Icon Attack! Thanks for downloading Icon Attack! Icon Attack is a set of 400+ high quality color icons. You now have the first 250+, and they are free. However... if you would like to receve the rest of the set, IÕd appreciate a contribution of $10 or so to keep me going. Then IÕll either e-mail or snail mail the set to you. It really did take quite a bit of time to get this collection together, so I donÕt think that $10.00 is to much to ask. If you do, you donÕt have to pay it... ItÕs ok, my 20 brothers and sisters can live a few more weeks on bread and water... And we probably wont starve... :) Ok, its not *that* bad! Really though, you could expect to pay $30+ dollars for icons of the same quality from a major manufacturor. IÕm offering the same quality icons, for only $10.00. Also, IÕm adding icons to the collection all the time, so by the time I reieve your registration, you may recieve 500 more icons instead of just 250 or so. IÕll send whatever I have on hand at the time. About me: IÕm a sophmore at Dimond High School here in Anchorage, Alaska. I like to ski, hike, chase women and catch baseballs, and study the martial arts. We just had prom here, so IÕm broke. Same old story......... Thanks, Steve Parvin maverick@alaska.net Registration: Your Name: Mailing Address: E-mail Address: Copies of IA ($10 each): By Snail Mail, add $2.00 per copy: Where did you find Icon Attack? Any suggestions/comments/concerns? Mail Registration to: Steve Parvin 9423 Liberty Circle Anchorage, AK 99515 USA!